
The iQuipt Freelance Business Builder

Equip your freelance business with the smarts to grow beyond $1 million.

Get unbiased blueprints, vetted business builders, and expert tools to help you expand without wasting time and money.

Do you recognize these signs of burnout?

You’re in a revenue slump, but are too overwhelmed to take on more business

Your investment in freelancers and coaches has been lots of work for little reward

(or even led to major setbacks!)

You’re spinning your wheels
trying to figure out what
changes to make

Building a Business is Like Building a House

If you try to handle everything yourself, you’re bound to hit a wall.

Founders reaching their capacity keeps more than 97% of freelance businesses from reaching $1 million in annual revenue. To be part of the 3% who make it, you need the right blueprints, people, and tools to grow. Just like a great contractor brings a construction project together, a trusted advisor can help you coordinate the moving parts of growing your business. That’s where I can help.



I’m Brett Trainor, Creator of iQuipt

Over the past three decades, I have guided and advised hundreds of entrepreneurs and freelancers to achieve growth beyond their business goals. My experience includes:

  • Leading marketing, customer success, demand generation, and operations for mid-market and international companies.
  • Running and consulting for startups, and helping one grow from $10 million to $14 million in less than two years
  • Keeping up with the latest business thought leadership through reading dozens of books per year
  • Interviewing more than 150 successful entrepreneurs on my BizOwner360 podcast

This experience, a commitment to learning, a network of trusted professionals, and an unshakeable belief in the power of individual founders, drives and supports my work with freelance entrepreneurs.

The iQuipt Freelance Business Builder program

The iQuipt Freelance Business Builder program helps founders like you break through the boundaries that hold them back. In it, I provide customized advice and guidance to help you…

  • Diagnose gaps and bottlenecks in your business processes that can help you maximize revenue
  • Get unbiased input on strategic decisions, including hiring freelancers
  • Turn your goals into plans and get help staying accountable to them

For $2,950/month you get →

  • 2 one-on-one sessions per month + 1 bonus session per quarter with a low risk, month-to-month commitment
  • Access to a network of trusted contractors and advisors
  • Unlimited email support and access to the private Discord server

For no cost, we’ll meet to discuss your goals based on where you are right now.
At the end, I’ll give you high-level recommendations on how to get to the next stage of your business.

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